What better place to spend a restful night after enjoying the enchanting sights of London than our resort.
Belmont Hotel is proud to be a family run hotel and not a corporate enterprise and boasts of a gorgeous neo-Gregorian style building at a great location. We have a friendly staff offering clean and efficient service.
Situated in a charming tree lined street near Hyde Park in Central London The Belmont Hotel is just 100 meters from Paddington station, and 1 mile from Buckingham Palace and Oxford Street. What better location to be at to burn those extra calories from the English breakfast and save on commuting! You can enjoy your holiday without the guilt of neglecting your health. Marble Arch and Bayswater’s great shopping district are also just a short walk away. Heathrow airport is just 20 minutes away through Direct Links.
Registered with Companies House
in England & Wales with company
number 03489249.
104 Sussex Gardens ,
London, W2 1UH